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Last Updated 10/9/2004 3:12:31 PMAfox

Jazz Mandolin Project
Somerville Theater - Somerville, MA (I AUDIO)
Source: SBD> DA-P1> Coax Monster Cable> ZA2> Soundforge

Taper: Eric McRoberts

Thanks to Donald Cote
taped & converted by Eric McRoberts
Eric's notes:  yes, this was my first show that I EVER transfred and
Taped(w/ my DA-P1).  It is a sbd>DA-P1 (analog patch out of board, the
board at the Sommerville Theatre had no digital output). Transfer done
differntly then i do now.
It was DA-P1> Coax Monster Cable>ZA2>Soundforge>CDR (I used forge to break
tracks and it caused minor pops at track breaks... though many have not
noticed this, but I sure have). Pops at a few breaks should be the only
flaws. DAT recorded at 44.1 Khz, no resampling done.
Art Link:

 2 CDR

set 1
1.  Barber's Hint
2.  The phonecians
3.  Good N Plenty
4.  The Search
5.  Contois
6.  Mandoneon
set2 1. Black market 2. "Prison Joke"almost-stage banter 3. Full House 4. Joven 5. johnny (or Chapeau...1 of the sure..didn't look into it) 6. "band Introductions" 7. The opera 8. "Ovation'-crowd cheers encore 9. Few tunes strun
 Setlist Notes:
W/ Fishman


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