Ben Harper 8/29/1998 Concord Pavillion - Concord, CA (I AUDIO) Source: DAUD (AT853a(cardioid)>sony d3) Notes: (PCP-NPC) Seed thanks to Allen Chen. Levels are a little high at times on this one, overall though, I think it is good. Especially since there really isn't that much Ben Harper to be had. This is from the guy who taped it.harper1998-08-29.gif 1 CDR ---------------------------------- 1. People Lead ( 6:26) 2. Burn One Down> ( 4:02) 3. Jah Work ( 6:44) 4. Ground On Down ( 5:45) 5. Homeless Child ( 4:43) 6. Gold To Me> Fight For Your Mind (16:51) 7. Faded> ( 2:33) 8. Faded ( 2:38) 9. Like A King (13:06) 10. I'll Rise ( 5:21) |