Bruce Hornsby 4/1/1999 Phi Beta Kappa Hall - Williamsburg, VA (All,1 SHN) Source: DSBD (+spaced (30ft) omnis > TCD-D8> PCM-M1> digital cable > HHb cd recorder Notes: solo show brought to you by west ailsworth: It sounds to me like the mics (which looked to me like large diaphragm omni's) that hung from the ceiling and were space about 20ft were mixed with the soundboard feed. I'm not positive on this, but there is quite a bit of audience noise for a pure soundboard tape. Don't let that fool you. These are the best soundboard tapes I have ever heard! hornsby1999-04-01.jpg Link: 2 CDR ---------------------------------- t01 Great Divide (07:22) t02 Bruce Rap (02:39) t03 Sunlight Moon (08:35) t04 Loser (05:38) t05 King Of The Hill > Mountain Jam > Blackberry Blossom > Tempus Fugit > King Of The Hill (11:26) t06 Some Other Time (07:01) t07 Country Doctor (09:06) t08 I Can't Make You Love Me (08:35) t09 Let The Girls Rock, Sunny (partial) (04:13) ----------- |