Col. Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains 6/22/2002 Bonnaroo Festival - Manchester, TN (All,1 SHN) Source: Neumann TLM170(hyper)>Apogee AD1000@48K Taper: Johnny Schuster Mic Info: Neumann TLM170(hyper) Mic Location: FOB Notes: Transfer: master DAT>s/pdif>vx pocket>soundforge 5.0> resample to 44.1 using highest quality (4/4) and anti-alias filter>cdwav>shn Patch and transfer by Jamie Lutch Tracking by Rimas Avizienis Transfer was done twice, resulting wavs were invertedArt Link: les_bbb2002-06-22.jpg 1 CDR ---------------------------------- Bernie Worrell solo Les intro>Jam Jam Jam Buckethead Jam Les & Buckethead Jam Jam>Taxman>Jam Drums Bass and drum Jam Jam Jam Jam Jam Jam |