Legion of Mary 4/19/1975 Oriental Theater - Milwaukee, WI (All,1 SHN) Source: SBD (MSR>1R>P>D>ZA/2>SHN) Notes: This show is from a different source than another copy recently appearing on etree, however the original soundboard source is the same. The cut in you can leave your hat on is substantial, and from the master reel. Disc split is merely a suggestion, many people prefer to burn shows like this 50/50 on two discs. I included harder they come with the orphan track from 4-12-75 DAT conversion and tracking(cdwav) by langston@volition.org. cooledit 96 normalizing and packaging by tsl@volition.org.Art Link: http://volition.org/~tsl/etree/ lom1975-04-19.jpg Link: http://db.etree.org/shninfo_detail.php?shnid=4481 2 CDR ---------------------------------- 1. Tough Mama (8:49) 2. It's No Use (11:18) 3. I Feel Like Dynamite (10:36) 4. (cut) You Can Leave Your Hat On (3:11) 5. Every Word You Say (9:29) 6. That's What Love Will Make You Do (11:55) 7. Wicked Messenger (14:15) ----------- |