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Last Updated 5/29/2005 12:26:59 AM Afox

Leftover Salmon
Buffalo Gap - Capon Bridge, WV (All,1 SHN)
Source: SBD->DA-P1

"Allgood Festival"
 recorded by Tim Stiegler
 transfered to CD, compressed, and upped by Scott Mogol

 I don't know all the song titiles, but I did my best  :)
 All pops and clicks are instruments being plugged in (and out)
 they are all present on the DAT master, and are not flaws.
Art Link:

 2 CDR

 1. Under My Wheels (?)
 2. Ants In My Pants (?)
 3. Midnight Blues
 4. The Open Road (?)
 5. The Other Side    4:23
 6. I Ain't Gonna Work Tomorrow 4:10
 7. Festival     4:17
 8. Hot Corn, Cold Corn->  2:57
 9. Soul Shakedown Party   5:42
 10.Ask The Fish    9:42
1. Breakin' Through (?) 5:39 2. Festival Town 4:38 3. Funky Mountian Fogdown-> 8:38 4. jam 4:04 5. Rodeo Geek 2:55 6. Country Roads (?) 4:12 7. Goin' Around The World 4:36 8. Mama Boule 6:36 9. High On The Mountain Top 8:40 10.Aiko, Aiko 3:58 Total: 53:58


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