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Last Updated 1/28/2005 12:23:16 PM Afox

Story Time at Nectar's - Nectar's - Burlington, VT (All,1 SHN)
Source: SBD > Cass/0 > DAT > CDR > EAC > SF4.5 pitch shift > SHN

(SHN: 1 disc - 491 MB)
SHN conversion/remastering: Ben Mohr (
Thanks to Gerald M. for the seed!

**Tracked for 1x80 min disc**

*This recording is by no means perfect, though the sound quality is really good,
*but I haven't heard anything else so until I can uncover something better,
*this is all I have.

-t04 3:27-3:34 level fluctuations
-t05 1:53-1:54 level fluctuations
-t06 diginoise at very beginning
-t07 some minor skipping
-t08 recording problems at end during banter (not narration)
-t09 recording cuts at 8:21 - on all copies that I have seen

-During very quiet sections, it seems that background music can be heard --
either there was music in the background at the show or the taper did
not use a new tape, so there was bleeding from a previous recording.
Who knows, maybe there is a lost recording underneath this show. :-)

-Applied SF4.5 Pitch Shift at a setting of -80 cents to all tracks to
compensate for the sped up recording.
-Retracked entire show so the beginning of the music starts at the beginning
of each track.
Art Link:

 1 CDR

1. Jump Monk (6:34)
2. McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters > (8:21)
3. Lizards (10:28)
4. Tela (7:38)
5. Wilson (6:17)
6. AC/DC Bag (6:00)
7. Colonel Forbin's Ascent > (6:27)
8. Famous Mockingbird (6:57)
9. The Sloth (4:13)
10. Possum (7:05)
11. Run Like an Antelope (8:21)



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