Phish 6/16/1990 Townshend Family Park - Townshend, VT (All AUDIO) Source: ? Notes: 1.Sound level goes down in a few spots, mostly on first disc, but it doesn't effect quality too much. 2.There is no silence/break/crowd cheering inbetween sets, it just jumps right into the next song. However, 3.At the end of Esther (Disc 2 Track 1) and Foam (Disc 3 Track 1), there is a fade-out. Those tracks were originally at the end of Discs 1 and 2, but the original CD's are 75 minutes, and they didn't fit on the 74 minute ones. ph1990-06-16.jpg 3 CDR ---------------------------------- (set 1) 1. AC/DC Bag ( 5:25) 2. Divided Sky ( 3:47) 3. Divided> Wilson (11:50) 4. Reba (11:34) 5. Horn ( 3:10) 6. Uncle Pen ( 3:55) 7. Bouncing ( 3:54) 8. Timber Ho ( 6:46) 9. Lawn Boy ( 2:20) 10. Possum ( 8:57) (set 2) 11. Golgi ( 4:29) ----------- ----------- |