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Last Updated 1/3/2005 2:07:18 PMAfox

Townshend Family Park - Townshend, VT (All AUDIO)
Source: ?

1.Sound level goes down in a few spots, mostly on first disc, but it doesn't effect quality too much.
 2.There is no silence/break/crowd cheering inbetween sets, it just jumps right into the next song.
 3.At the end of Esther (Disc 2 Track 1) and Foam (Disc 3 Track 1), there is a fade-out.
Those tracks were originally at the end of Discs 1 and 2, but the original CD's are 75 minutes,
and they didn't fit on the 74 minute ones.

Art Notes: Yes

 3 CDR

(set 1)
 1. AC/DC Bag       ( 5:25)
 2. Divided Sky     ( 3:47)
 3. Divided> Wilson (11:50)
 4. Reba            (11:34)
 5. Horn            ( 3:10)
 6. Uncle Pen       ( 3:55)
 7. Bouncing        ( 3:54)
 8. Timber Ho       ( 6:46)
 9. Lawn Boy        ( 2:20)
 10. Possum         ( 8:57)

 (set 2)
 11. Golgi          ( 4:29)
(...set 2) 1. Esther ( 8:52) 2. Tweezer> ( 8:04) 3. Tweezer>My Sweet One ( 2:41) 4. Bathtub Gin ( 6:40) 5. YEM (16:01) 6. Lizards ( 9:51) 7. Antelope (10:17) (set 3) 9. Ya Mar ( 6:37) 8. La Grange ( 4:50)
(...set 3) 1. Foam ( 9:37) 2. Oh Kee Pah ( 1:46) 3. Suzy ( 5:14) 4. Fee ( 5:40) 5. Rocky Top TN ( 2:28) 6. Caravan ( 7:20) 7. HYHU> If I Only Had A Brain> HYHU> Mike's Song (11:58) 8. Hydrogen > Weekapaug ( 9:27) 9. E: Contact ( 6:03) 10. E: BBFCFM ( 3:46) 11. E: GTBT ( 6:09)


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