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Last Updated 1/16/2005 11:42:13 PM Afox

Campus Club - Providence, RI (All,2 SHN)
Source: SBD:MCass>(DAT ?)>PCM>CD>EAC>SHN>ReMastering>SHN

 The "?" in the lineage is not an extra analog generation. I'm just not
sure if the PCM came from a DAT or not, thus I put the question mark in. I
transferred the PCM, removed the DC offset, converted from 44.056Khz to
44.1Khz at the highest quality setting, tracked, and burned this show on
July 30, 2003. I wonder if perhaps the master was recorded with Dolby on and
played back with it off. It seems a bit too bright to me. However, I did
not mess with the recording in any way. Enjoy!

* - There is a very small dropout at 2:10. I tried several times to get a
clean read off the PCM tape at that spot, but could not. It's hardly
noticable, though.

^ - Has a vocal jam based on "Hawaii" and a "Lullabye" tease in it.

^^ - "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" tease to start

^^^ - Trey explains secret language

David Hollister

This show almost certainly has the pre-emphisis enabled if this a *true* PCM recording. That is the most likely cause for
the overly harsh sound of the show. Upon getting these SHN's, they were loaded into REBA and passed through a 20band
Parametric EQ with the J17 de-emphisis setting. Next in store for this show was a pass through the BBE Sonic Maximizer. This
 was used to really bring the mix really brought out the low end very well. You can actually hear Mike's bass
 now ;-) The reason this was done is because if you listen real closely, you may notice you hear a lot of room
dynamics....the recording had a slight time smear problem because of the 2 sources used to record this. The BBE unit was
used to correct for this. Yes, you heard me right...I think this is a matrix, SBD+AUD. The SOAM has some nasty feedback. I
crossfaded the feedback to "lessen" the damage to our ears. The pops in Fluffhead were toned down somewhat, but I had to
leave BBFCFM alone....most of the distortion you hear is not dropouts but rather mic overload.

The show was re-mastered, re-tracked, then shn'd in August 2003.

Remastering by Mr. Marmar

 3 CDR

Disc 1 / Set 1:

1. The Curtain >
2. Split Open and Melt *
3. Poor Heart >
4. Guelah Papyrus
5. Maze
6. Dinner and a Movie >
7. Divided Sky
Disc 2: 1. Mound > 2. Fluffhead > 3. Run Like an Antelope > 4. BBFCFM^ > 5. Run Like an Anteope Set 2 6. Wilson^^ > 7. Brother > 8. The Horse > 9. Silent in the Morning
Disc 3: 1. The Landlady > 2. Lizards 3. My Mind's Got a Mind of its Own 4. The Sloth > 5. Rift 6. Cold As Ice 7. Love You > 8. Cold As Ice 9. Possum^^^ Encore 10. Contact 11. Fire
 Setlist Notes:


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