Phish 7/24/1993 Great Woods - Mansfield, MA (All,2 SHN) Source: akg 460b>custom preamp>dap20 Mic Location: FOB Notes: transfered through a za2 card using soundforge and cdwav. enjoy!!!! jimmy sellers Link: 3 CDR ---------------------------------- disc1: 1.Llama 2.Horn 3.Nellie Cane 4.The Divided Sky 5.Guelah Papyrus 6.Rift 7.Stash 8.The Mango Song 9.Bouncing Around the Room 10.The Squirming Coil disc 2: 1.Also Sprach Zarathustra-> 2.Split Open and Melt 3.Fluffhead 4.Maze 5.Glide 6.Sparkle 7.Mike's Song-> 8.Y-Rushalayim Schel Zahav-> 9.Weekapaug Groove disc 3: 1.Purple Rain-> HYHU 2.Daniel 3.Good Times Bad Times 4.encore break(croud noise) Encore: 5.Golgi Apparatus 6.Freebird (few secs. of DN in freebird) |