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Last Updated 10/9/2004 3:14:54 PMAfox

String Cheese Incident
Tipitinas Uptown - New Orleans, LA (All,3 SHN)
Source: DAUD (Nakamichi 300/CP-1 cardioid mics > SBM-1 @44.1K > D8 > DAT > Opcode DATPort > HD > CDR)

just to the left of the soundboard, 40 feet from stage
thanks to TM-
'Sunrise Incident'- Taped by Tim Miciotto
Karl Denson and Liza Oxnard sitting in for several songs
Art Link:

 4 CDR

1. John Hardy>
2. Shine>
4. Sand Dollar
5. *Mrs. Brown's Teahouse
6. *Bigger Isn't Better >
1. Best Feeling> 2. Birdland 3. (5 seconds of silence) II: 4. **Born On The Wrong Planet 5. **Take the Night 6. Blackberry Blossom 7. Missing Me
1. Rhythm of The Road, 2. Gone So Long, 3. ***#LA Woman> 4. ***#Round The Wheel> 5. #Drums> 6. ***Land's End>
1. ...Land's End 2. banter & noodling 3. Restless Wind Encore: 4. ***#Hey Pockey Way, 5. ***All Blues> 6. #@Drums> 7. #Mouna Bowa
 Setlist Notes:
(* with Liza Oxnard on vocals) (** Bill Nershi & Liza Oxnard duet on acoustic guitars) (*** with Karl Denson on sax) (# with Travis' roommates from the Double Dig Ranch, and Liza Oxnard on various percussion) (@ with Jamie Janover on percussion)


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