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Last Updated 1/3/2005 2:07:47 PMAfox

The Warfield - San Fransisco, CA (All,2 SHN)
Source: AKG 391>D7>DAP1

Taper: Darryl Snyder
Mic Info: AKG 391
Mic Location: back left corner of the Warfield's first, center tier

This set of SHN's does not match the md5 signature posted on
These files were not split on sector boundaries, and were likely re-tracked later,
and documented on etree.

DATs provided by Patrick Marshall
(DAP1>TB Fiji>Cool Edit>SAF 4012)
Matt says:
First of all, a big 'woo-hoo!' to Patrick for getting this show out there!
If you don't think you like Ween, or haven't heard 'em, all I've got to
say to you is: this show _will_ convince you -- just play 'What Deaner Was
Talking About' a couple times and you'll see what I mean...  I'd like to
thank Patrick for giving me another band to obsess over... *g*
Note that there is significant digidistortion during the second encore;
this is on the master tape.  (The taper apparently missed the PA-crank
from 'really loud' to 'really really loud'. *g*) It's annoying in spots,
but still quite listenable, and there doesn't seem to be another
source for this excellent show, so there's not a lot to be done about it,
I guess.  Note further that I normalized each disc rather than each
set (though the amount each disc was boosted was virtually identical),
and that I did _not_ separately boost the acoustic tunes (Birthday Boy
and Sarah) at the start of the first encore, so they're a bit on the
quiet side (tried it the other way, and the transition from the boosted
acoustic tunes into the quiet part of Buenos Tardes Amigo was rather jarring).

Art Notes: Yes

 3 CDR

1.  Buckingham Green
2.  What Deaner Was Talking About
3.  Spinal Meningitis
4.  The Golden Eel
5.  The Stallion (part 3)
6.  Waving My Dick In The Wind
7.  Take Me Away
8.  Piss Up A Rope
9.  Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy)
10. Freedom Of '76
1. Captain Fantasy 2. Can't Put My Finger On It 3. Pumpin' For The Man 4. Mr. Richard Smoker 5. Sketches Of Winkle 6. Baby Bitch 7. She Wanted To Leave 8. Awesome Sound 9. Ocean Man 10. The Blarney Stone 11. Dr. Rock
First Encore: 1. Birthday Boy 2. Sarah 3. Buenos Tardes Amigo 4. Mister, Would You Please Help My Pony? 5. Fat Lenny 6. You Fucked Up Second Encore: 7. Booze Me Up And Get Me High 8. Poop Ship Destroyer 9. LMLYP


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