Ween 9/27/1997 The Warfield - San Fransisco, CA (All,2 SHN) Source: AKG 391>D7>DAP1 Taper: Darryl Snyder Mic Info: AKG 391 Mic Location: back left corner of the Warfield's first, center tier Notes: This set of SHN's does not match the md5 signature posted on etree.org These files were not split on sector boundaries, and were likely re-tracked later, and documented on etree. DATs provided by Patrick Marshall DAT>CD by matt@xsite.net (DAP1>TB Fiji>Cool Edit>SAF 4012) Matt says: First of all, a big 'woo-hoo!' to Patrick for getting this show out there! If you don't think you like Ween, or haven't heard 'em, all I've got to say to you is: this show _will_ convince you -- just play 'What Deaner Was Talking About' a couple times and you'll see what I mean... I'd like to thank Patrick for giving me another band to obsess over... *g* Note that there is significant digidistortion during the second encore; this is on the master tape. (The taper apparently missed the PA-crank from 'really loud' to 'really really loud'. *g*) It's annoying in spots, but still quite listenable, and there doesn't seem to be another source for this excellent show, so there's not a lot to be done about it, I guess. Note further that I normalized each disc rather than each set (though the amount each disc was boosted was virtually identical), and that I did _not_ separately boost the acoustic tunes (Birthday Boy and Sarah) at the start of the first encore, so they're a bit on the quiet side (tried it the other way, and the transition from the boosted acoustic tunes into the quiet part of Buenos Tardes Amigo was rather jarring). ween1997-09-27.jpg