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2003-02-23: Fat Burning [back to top]

Trade stats for 2002:

# Contacts: 425 470
# Trades: 570 608
# 'Bad Trades': 0 0

Recieved: 463 546
Sent: 803 857
In posession: 499 499

# Bands: 97 122
# Audio Discs: 1194 1288
If anyone is actually a regular to this site (please, let me know), you already know that this has not been a big year for content. Over the past month, I've transferred the majority of this site's content to a database, to help keep links & show info organized, and easily updated. If you use this resource, please help me keep up-to-date. If you encounter any broken or missing links, please inform me.

I'm still not actively trading. Time and financial constrains just don't allow for it right now. Thanks for reading!

Designed & Maintained by Adam Fox
Copyright (c) 1997-2003, Adam Fox, All Rights Reserved.